Total Otal. "It's pronounced O-tah-l

Suicide is painless.

This article is inspired by COBNAT.
The Roleplaying Transcipts.

Or So I've been told.

Well, last year I memorised the song Suicide is painless. I had no good reason to, but I like the song. Anyway, I decided to get it out of my head by humorously analising it.

through early morning fog I see*
Visions of the things to be,**
Pains that are witheld for me,
I realise and now I see***

That suicide is painless ****
It brings on many changes,*****
And I can take or leave it if I please ******

The game of life is hard to play*******
Gonna lose it anyway********

The losing card I'll someday lay, so this is all I have to say...********


The only way to win is cheat **********
And give it up, before I'm beat ***********
And to another, give my seat ************
For that's the only painless feat! ***************

*Good, I see too.
** So, who will win the superbowl next year?
*** You say this like it's a good thing
**** Well it depends on how you do it. If you hang yourself, it can really hurt. Or jump out of a really low window.
***** That's the whole point, isn't it?
****** So can I, but you don't hear me writing a song about it.
******* No it's not
******** You might get lucky, I mean, I thought I would lose once, but I got three tiles in a row and Ba-ba-bam! I'm back in the game
********* Life's not a card game. Oh, you mean a metaphorical game.
********** That's not fair. *pouts*
*********** That's not cheating, it's called forfieting
************ Yeah, people keep trying to steal my life too.
Well, last year I memorised the song Suicide is painless. I had no good reason to, but I like the song. Anyway, I decided to get it out of my head by humorously analising it.

through early morning fog I see*
Visions of the things to be,**
Pains that are witheld for me,
I realise and now I see***

That suicide is painless ****
It brings on many changes,*****
And I can take or leave it if I please ******

The game of life is hard to play*******
Gonna lose it anyway********

The losing card I'll someday lay, so this is all I have to say...********


The only way to win is cheat **********
And give it up, before I'm beat ***********
And to another, give my seat ************
For that's the only painless feat!******.... Whatever.

*Good, I see too.
** So, who will win the superbowl next year?
*** You say this like it's a good thing
**** Well it depends on how you do it. If you hang yourself, it can really hurt. Or jump out of a really low window.
***** That's the whole point, isn't it?
****** So can I, but you don't hear me writing a song about it.
******* No it's not
******** You might get lucky, I mean, I thought I would lose once, but I got three tiles in a row and Ba-ba-bam! I'm back in the game
********* Life's not a card game. Oh, you mean a metaphorical game.
********** That's not fair. *pouts*
*********** That's not cheating, it's called forfieting
************ Yeah, people keep trying to steal my life too.
****...Whatever:You might want to try Dr. Scholls then.

Well, that's all I got for you.

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