The following will shock and awe you! Ladies and genbtleman, I, whilst on, was looking
around and I saw THIS
1. Whatever you do, don't just show up at their house... they run
around in their underwear just
like we do.
This was the first part. Rule number one. They run around in their underwear, just like we do.
Okay, two things about this caught my eye.
The first thing was "Whatever you do, don't just show up at their house."" .This made ut seen kuje tgat was tge end of
the relationship/friendship/whatever you want to pursue, because they absolutely hate people showing up at their house. Now,
I am not in a romantic relationship with the girl next door. I am not, though it is possible that I want to be. For now, we
are just friends. He name is Rebecca. And whenever I can't recch her by phone, I do just what this advises me not to do. That
is, show up at her house. Usually, she is there.
The second thing which caught my eye was "They run around in their
underwear." Okay, to me, that sounds like a reason that I SHOULD show up at their house. You might see them in their underwear.
Okay, sounbds good to me. Just saying, don't tell men NOT to just show up at a girl's house, if there is any possibility of
seeing said girl naked Why? What;s, eventually, the answer to everything. Men are perverts.
The next thing that caught my eye was that "Tjust like we do." bit.. Just like we do? I think NOT! Wewould
imply that the person who is recieving this is included. And, my friends, I DO NOT RUN AROUND IN MY UNDERWEAR! I mean,
aside from inside of my clothes. But I don't think that women mind being seen with their underwear inside their clothes. Right?
*chirp chirp*
2. DON'T CHEAT ON THEM. It may seem fool proof, but girls tell each
other everything about everything.
Trust me, they WILL find out
and you will be mud.
You see, this here is a candidate for Rule # 1. Don't cheat on them. Seems pretty obvious to me. But I'm curious about...
They tell each other about everything, and therefore I will be found out. Okay, so imagine that, through some unlikely fluke,
I get a girlfriend. And, through some unlikely fluke, I get a 'little on the side' too. Now, I imagine that the majority
of girls are total IMBECILES if this scene is likely to happen. And I mean other than the 'Otal having sex' part.
Okay, that was great sex. But don't tell my girlfriend. She will be really angry, and probably try to kill both of us.
that I'm cheating with: Okay. *Walks out*
OTICW: Oh, hello, it's Otal's Girlfriend. Hello Otal's Girlfriend.
Otal's Girlfriend: Hello.
OTICW: Say, I was cheating with Otal.
OGF: Okay. Now you must die. *Kills OTICW*
Otal: Oh shit. *Is killed*
News Guy: The one Otal is cheating with, and Otal Nimrodi, were found dead last night in Otal's home. The following recording
was found at the scene.
Otal's Voice: You bloody IDIOT! I told you not to tell her.
TOICW's voice: Sorry,
woman's honor, we tell each other (*sounds creepy*)EVERYTHING
"Damn it, I should have listened to that crap advise thing I
found on!"
Also... You will be mud? Doesn't that sound suspiciously like "There will be blood"? Thought so.
Beware of every single male relative and all guy friends. Any
of them would kick your butt at the drop of a hat, and a
lot of
them wouldn't even wait for the damn hat.
Okay, this no longer advise about relationship.